
الشركة المصنعة للحلول الشاملة لجميع أنواع منتجات الختم والمنتجات المخروطة باستخدام الحاسب الآلي.

What are the reasons for the high scrap rate of metal stamping parts?

Nowadays, it is found that many metal stamping factories often have too high rejection rate when processing metal stamping parts. When the rejection rate is high, the production cost will increase and it is not in line with the concept of energy saving and environmental protection. Now the competition in the stamping industry itself is so fierce, and profits have been greatly compressed. If the scrap rate remains high, it may not only make a batch of orders without profit but also lose money. Therefore, it is particularly important to solve the problem of excessively high rejection rate of stamping parts. To solve this problem, the home page needs to know what causes the high rejection rate? Only in this way can it be solved symptomatically. So what is the reason for the high rejection rate of stamping parts? then, let's watch it together. First, the quality of steel plate raw materials is not good enough. Raw materials are the first guarantee for processing qualified stamping parts. If the hardness and surface of the raw materials do not meet the quality requirements, the corresponding stamping parts scrap rate will definitely be too high. Especially for some stamping parts with relatively large deformation variables, if the raw materials are unqualified, cracks and breakages will occur. Therefore, when purchasing raw materials, you must not be greedy for cheap, and you must find a reliable and regular material supplier. Second, the installation of the stamping die is unqualified. The installation of the stamping die does not meet the specifications, which leads to the inability of the upper die and the lower die to cooperate well during the stamping process, resulting in a high rejection rate. Stamping dies are the basis for processing stamping parts. Installation is very important on the premise that there is no problem with the dies. Don't think that it is easy to install the stamping die, even a small error may cause the stamping parts produced to be scraps. When installing the stamping die, the concentricity, clearance, flatness, etc. of the upper and lower dies all play a vital role. Third, the mold is worn out. In the long-term use of the stamping die, wear or loose fittings will also cause the product to be scrapped. There are many stamping factories that do not perform routine inspection and maintenance of the mold after the mold is installed for production. Only when the burr is relatively large, the mold is removed and the knife is simply sharpened. As everyone knows, the wear of the mold is not only the wear of the knife edge, but also some mold parts will wear with use. After these parts are worn, it will affect the accuracy of the entire mold. Fourth, the worker's operation is not standardized. Workers did not follow the installation manual when operating the press, or there was an error in feeding. Fifth, the positioning device is not accurate. In the feeding process, the mold positioning device is inaccurate, which will cause problems in the coordination of each process, and will also lead to waste products. When the metal stamping processing plant is stamping the stamping parts, because the stamping dies required for each stamping part are different, there is a specific analysis for the specific reasons. When the scrap rate of stamping parts is too high, you might as well look for the reasons from these five aspects first. I hope the above content can help everyone. Hardware-The product accuracy reaches 0.01MM, the daily output is 3 million strokes, and the mold can be produced in 4 days. Strictly abide by the confidentiality agreement. You need to know more inquiries:

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تأسست دونغقوان فورتونا في عام 2003. تبلغ مساحة المصنع 16,000 متر مربع ويعمل به 260 موظفًا. إنها مؤسسة إنتاج متخصصة في أجزاء ختم المعدن الدقيقة، ومعالجة CNC الدقيقة، وقولبة الحقن، وتجميع المنتجات.
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