
الشركة المصنعة للحلول الشاملة لجميع أنواع منتجات الختم والمنتجات المخروطة باستخدام الحاسب الآلي.

Xianning hardware stamping parts, what are the factors restricting the development of the stamping industry + 15 years of stamping experience manufacturers

What are the factors restricting the development of the metal stamping industry? The hardware production personnel responsible for the production of Xianning hardware stamping parts once said that the following Xiaoshuo has collected some relevant information that restricts the development of the hardware stamping industry, and will take you to understand the factors restricting the development of the hardware stamping industry: 1. Locking effect When users transfer from one brand's technology to another brand's technology, they must pay a certain cost for this transfer. When the transfer cost is too high to discourage the user, the user is locked. When a high-tech product is successfully developed and won the market, it will be easy to grasp the future market and take the initiative in fierce competition. This is also applicable to the hardware market. When the cost of hardware is too high, users will inevitably be discouraged by investment when the cost of hardware is too high. However, once this hardware product is recognized, this hardware product will inevitably lead the industry and promote the development of the industry. 2. Gear effect If large companies do not develop, they will leave small companies far behind. The gear effect is also applicable in the hardware market. Some large companies have advantages in resources, contacts, information, etc. Once they develop, they will take a big step; while small companies develop due to limited resources such as capital, talents, and information. Slowly, or even stopped. In this way, large companies are increasingly surpassing small companies in the same industry, and gradually become the leader of the industry. 3. Scale effect When an enterprise's production reaches or exceeds the break-even point, it forms a scale effect. Because any production has a cost, it generally includes fixed costs and variable costs. To achieve profitability, sales revenue must be greater than production costs, and the fixed costs are constant. Therefore, the more you produce, the less fixed costs are allocated to a single product, and the more profits you make. Hardware, 15 years of focus on Xianning hardware stamping parts, has a 5000 square meter production workshop, has more than 20 mold Ru0026D and design engineers, 20000+ sets of customized stamping mold production experience, seven precision stamping core technology patents, hundreds of precision processing and production equipment , The daily production capacity is 3 million punching times, the silk-like stamping accuracy can reach 0.01mm, 16 quality inspection layers are strictly controlled, the 3.0-level precision stamping parts design system, and the overall solution for precision stamping parts. It can quickly solve the time-critical problems of stamping parts processing customization, solve the stamping accuracy problems, and solve the production quality problems for you. Choose, let you choose rest assured, peace of mind!

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هل تعلم أن جودة إطارات الرصاص لها تأثير كبير على دقة وأداء أجهزتك الإلكترونية؟ عندما يتعلق الأمر باختيار الشركات المصنعة لإطارات الرصاص الموثوقة، هناك عدة عوامل يجب مراعاتها


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يعد اختيار الشركة المصنعة المناسبة لإطار الرصاص أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لنجاح وجودة أجهزتك الإلكترونية

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عندما يتعلق الأمر بالختم الدقيق، تعد إطارات الرصاص مكونًا أساسيًا في العديد من الأجهزة الإلكترونية والميكانيكية

جودة عالية
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إطار الرصاص
الموردين لمشاريع الختم المخصصة

هل أنت في حاجة إلى إطارات الرصاص عالية الجودة لمشاريع الختم المخصصة الخاصة بك؟ لا تنظر إلى أبعد من موردي إطارات الرصاص الخبراء لدينا

اعتبارًا من عام 2024، تستمر خدمات ختم الإطار الرصاصي في لعب دور حاسم في تصنيع وتجميع المكونات الإلكترونية

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تكنولوجيا الختم

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لايوجد بيانات
تأسست دونغقوان فورتونا في عام 2003. تبلغ مساحة المصنع 16,000 متر مربع ويعمل به 260 موظفًا. إنها مؤسسة إنتاج متخصصة في أجزاء ختم المعدن الدقيقة، ومعالجة CNC الدقيقة، وقولبة الحقن، وتجميع المنتجات.
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