
الشركة المصنعة للحلول الشاملة لجميع أنواع منتجات الختم والمنتجات المخروطة باستخدام الحاسب الآلي.

Zhejiang hardware stamping parts manufacturer, what is the continuous mold material with function + 3 million punching next day production capacity

Zhejiang hardware stamping parts manufacturer, on the detailed explanation of the metal stamping continuous die strip form, Xiaoshuo has compiled some knowledge for you, and let you learn it below: 1. The continuous die strip function: The continuous die is required to complete the product. The punching process (station) is arranged in the same set of molds for punching. The material used in the continuous mold is coil material, and the material is sent to each separate engineering station in the mold at an equal distance by the feeder for stamping processing, and the product is completed at the final engineering station. In the continuous mold, the materials are processed in stages: punching, separation, bending... etc., and the remaining materials of the semi-finished products of each engineering station are connected, which is called a strip. Generally, the part that takes the material in the mold and connects the semi-finished products to the finished products of various engineering stations is collectively called the material belt. Experienced mold designers can know the design of this set of molds by observing a material belt. 2. Continuous die material belt composition: The material belt is composed of a positioning hole and a material with a safe width. The main function of the positioning hole is to allow the material to be sent to each engineering station at an equal distance for stamping processing to ensure the accuracy of stamping processing. The remaining material of the edge width is mainly used to link and transfer the semi-finished products of each engineering station, and the semi-finished products are connected and sent to the next engineering station for stamping processing. Hardware, 15 years of focus on Zhejiang hardware stamping parts manufacturers, 5000 square meters production workshop, hundreds of precision processing production equipment, more than 20 Ru0026D and design engineers, monthly processing capacity of 100+ sets of molds and daily production capacity of 3 million punching times, stamping accuracy can be Up to 0.01mm, 16 quality inspection layers are strictly checked. It can quickly solve the urgent problem of time when choosing hardware stamping processing, solve the problem of stamping accuracy, and solve the problem of production quality. For 15 years, I have been conscientious and dedicated to the results of your needs for the results of work!

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لايوجد بيانات
تأسست دونغقوان فورتونا في عام 2003. تبلغ مساحة المصنع 16,000 متر مربع ويعمل به 260 موظفًا. إنها مؤسسة إنتاج متخصصة في أجزاء ختم المعدن الدقيقة، ومعالجة CNC الدقيقة، وقولبة الحقن، وتجميع المنتجات.
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